
In the past landlords have had a much easier ride with letting properties and increasing their rental yields. Renters didn’t expect as much and were more accepting of homes that weren’t out of ‘Vouge Home’. However skip forward a few years (to now) and things are certainly changing!
Renters want and expect more for their money. And with so many people jumping into the investment market, it brings more rental properties and therefore more competition. What does that mean? Gone are the days of renters begging to lease a ‘rundown’ property because there was nothing else out there.
If you need extra room but building an addition isn’t an option, you can divide a large room into two smaller rooms with a partition wall, or remove a wall to create a more open-plan space. Completing these projects can be ideal ways to make the best use of the space available, and staying within your home’s original footprint will help keep costs down.
The costs will vary widely depending on the scale of the project but our experts recommend a budget of $1200-$5000.
This ensures that the kitchen has the best chance possible of lasting a lifetime. If the cupboards were to come in contact with any water, HMR melamine will limit any damage better that most other products. The bench tops for the kitchen can be made of several different products and this decision is usually based on our clients budget. Products include, Laminated tops, Freestyle tops, Essa Stone & Grannit, to mention a few. Laminated bench tops would be the most commonly used product due to its price, availability and the extensive range of colours to choose from.
Kitchens can be frighteningly expensive to update. Flatpacks can be a great money-saver but only if you get it all exactly right from start to finish.
If you had a flair for meccano, can master a Rubik’s cube or understand the instruction manual for any new gizmo, then you’ve probably got a good shot at installing a flatpack kitchen.
Plunge in blind, and you’ll undoubtedly end up with a kitchen that looks like it’s been caught in a landslide. The secret to success, as always, lies in painstaking preparation, exacting measurements and devotion to detail.
Cool Build offers and affordable solution to the supply of labour to sheet garages, sheds & carports.
The way we do this is quote the job as a fill in to our other work that can be done between jobs or in less than perfect weather.
We also offer the sheeting contract as a complete job done at a time that suits the client,
We can also arrange the slab and supply of the kit if necessary.
Mechanical mortice locks are renowned for their durability and functionality in the toughest environments.
Two types of electronic door locks. The E-Flash 680 grants entry via either proximity card or pin code, while the E-Flash 780 is operated by fingerprint or pin code. Both types of electronic door locks have been designed with the home owner in mind and, as such, are not only secure and reliable, but also incredibly simple to use.
Featuring voice guided set up and certified as fire-rated in line with Australian Standards requirements, the E-Flash range of products is a premium electronic lock which can be both fitted to a new door or retrofitted to an existing door. The lock itself is made from quality constructions materials including a stainless steel mortice lock, ensuring a durable, high strength locking system.